Friday, October 7, 2011

Flower Power and the Summer of Love

So recently, I have become obsessed with flower children, a.k.a. hippies.  I love the concepts of  peace, love, the whole non-violence ideology.  Maybe the hippies were a tad unrealistic, but their aims were good.  They transformed not only protests and politics, but also....surprise!!!!!! FASHION!!!

They wore flowery tunics, long flowy dresses, big round tortoiseshell sunglasses, peace signs and flowers up the wazoo, headbands, Afros, Bermuda shorts, bell-bottoms, bright patch-worked jackets, miniskirts, and tie dye.

Get ready to go back to 1967- the Summer of Love

Thursday, October 6, 2011


WHAT can I say?  Maybe the word hipster makes you cringe.  Maybe it doesn't.  Maybe you're a hipster.  Maybe you're not.
 All I know is that hipsterism is now playing a large part in street fashion.
Rompers, high waisted shorts, lace tights, ray bans, ugly sweaters, and thrifted dresses.  Any of this sound familiar?  If it does, I'm not surprised.  If it doesn't, go into any large city and find a hipster.  They're plentiful.
Many of you may deny it, but there is hipster in everyone; whether you listen to hipster music, love neon ray-bans, ride a one-speed bike everywhere, or shop at Salvation Army.  Embrace it.  Accept it.  But don't over do it.  So here I'm going to post some hipster fashion statements.  Some are good.  Some are bad.  All are hipster.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A New Beginning of Sorts

Welcome fashion junkies, boredom busters, photography freaks, and internet creepers.  Maybe you saw my old blog.  Maybe you didn't.  It was good for a while, but then I kind of got tired of it and became consumed with laziness.   And my interests changed.  A LOT.  So this is a new blog, that I will hopefully update frequently with awesome pictures and or other fashion wisdom nuggets.  Now just to let you know, I'm not some kind of qualified fashion person.  I am simply a high school student who loves fashion and photography and writing, and decided to mash them all together. Like a pie in someone's face ( I rock at analogies!).
So ya.